Dr Phillip Duke is an Orthopaedic Surgeon, specialising in surgery of the shoulder and upper limb. He has a significant clinical interest in surgery of the shoulder, with particular emphasis on instability surgery and shoulder replacement surgery. He is a foundation partner of the Brisbane Hand & Upper Limb Clinic.
Dr Duke completed post orthopaedic surgical fellowship training over a two year period, with one year spent at the Princess Alexandra Hospital Upper Limb Unit, and another year spent at the Nottingham Unit in the United Kingdom, performing shoulder surgery.
He has now ceased active private surgical practice and will focus on public hospital surgery as well as teaching, research and medicolegal reporting.
He maintains a very active surgical role at the Princess Alexandra Hospital as a member of the upperlimb department in the orthopaedic surgical department. He is the Upper Limb Unit Clinical Coordinator and is working three days a week at PAH.
He is the designated mentor for the orthopaedic departments large cohort of PHO doctors.
The PA hospital has one of the largest orthopaedic and upperlimb units in the country and serves as a tertiary refferal center for an array of complex upper limb orthopaedic conditions.
Dr Duke served as founding secretary/treasurer of the Queensland Shoulder Society for five years before serving another five years as President. He was secretary/treasurer of the Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia (SESA) from 2000 to 2002 and SESA President from 2010 to 2012.
He has served as a member of the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA) management committee and was Australian Socitey of Orhopaedic Surgeons (ASOS) QLD chairman from 2001 to 2006. He has represented the AOA at the Australian Medical Association's National Congress on a number of occasions. Dr Duke also served as a member of the selection committee for AOA trainees from 1997 to 2002.He served as chair of the Brisbane Private Hospital Orthopaedic Dept from 2006 thru to 2020. Concurrently he was a member of the hospital Medical Advisory Committee
Dr Duke's current main research focus, along with Dr Mark Ross, is Pyrotitan material based resurfacing hemiarthroplasty for glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis. This exciting project enables shoulders to be replaced without having to replace the glenoid side as routine practice.We now have almost ten year data supporting the ongoing usage of the device which is performing very well in the joint registry .
He is also a director of the Brisbane Hand and Upper Limb Research Institute. This chairitable trust oversees 4 fellows working as upperlimb fellows at the PA hospital and various private hospitals as well as three fulltime research assistants. The trust via its surgeons and fellows publishes multiple scientific artilcles every year as well as presenting the work in multiple forums around Australia and the world.
Brisbane Private Hospital
Level 9, 259 Wickham Tce
Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone: +07 3839 1366
Fax: +07 3839 1377